If your hosting supplier provides live chat support, you will be able to speak with a representative in real-time and learn useful information or get an issue resolved timely. The advantage of using chat rather than calling to talk to a live person is that you'll need just a computer with access to the world wide web, so you will not pay any fees when you're in another country or state. In addition, it is much simpler to copy and paste information for instance domains, usernames or error messages in other words details which are sometimes hard to give to the other side over the phone. The live chat is also a quicker way to contact the website hosting company's support crew compared to using a ticketing system. Last, but not least, if some problem needs a little more time to be taken care of, you're able to do something else entirely while you wait for support on the live chat, so you will not lose time - something that's impossible when you're on the telephone.